Child Health and Nutrition

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What is it about?

Good nutrition is essential for survival, physical growth, mental development, performance, productivity, performance, health and wellbeing across the entire life-span: from the earliest stages of fetal development, at birth, and through infancy, adolescence and on into adulthood. Breastfeeding and complementary feeding are critical aspect of caring for infants and young children.

How important is it

Appropriate feeding practices stimulate bonding with the caregiver and psycho-social development. They lead to improved nutrition and physical growth, reduced susceptibility to common childhood illnesses and better resistance to cope with them.

What is the situation in Ghana

In Ghana, more than one-quarter (28%) of all children under age five are stunted-that is, they are too short for their age. One in ten children is severely stunted. Stunting reflects a failure to receive adequate food intake over a long period of time, and is, therefore, a measure of chronic malnutrition.

What CLCD is doing

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